"Tiring 1st Week"
The week pass by with not a single memory of joy in school. Enduring lectures and tutorials!! I feel so caged! Though Friday I had no school, I spent almost the whole day camping in front of the laptop, determined to get a core tat I am supposed to study next sem. U might ask, why bother to study so hard. But u r wrong!! I'm not trying to study hard!! I'm trying to make time to slack more next sem!! I believe tat as one gets older, one would wan to rest more n more... so "pia" now while I'm a few month younger compare to the upcoming sem!!! Friday nite was the most mermorable! get to see almost all 208 members!! especially rare ones like chun jing n lee loo!! The upcoming plan sounds super exciting!! The one abt crashing NUS course and chin, eleanor & becky's bunk! hehehe!! I'm so looking forward to it! Today is a super stress day. Preparing for my first video-taped oral presentation, I took almost half a day staring blankly at the question. So glad when I finally get it done. But tat's not all... I still have a mountain of reading materials to finish... gonna burn mid nite oil tonite...

Chun Jing n me! So long din see her!


The whole lot of us! >o<

Look at eleanor!! @_@

accidental shot!! but good one!!
@L3xIz's party on Sunday, July 31, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
'Creepy Encounter'
Super tired today as it is my 'official' starting day of school. The day was started by the boring-est lecture ever in existence, and I'm worried how can I get by for the rest of the sem for this module. Me n my fren decided to flee out halfway thru the lect, but not mainly the boring element, coz we need to change classes for the modules we've registered for. However, the NTU's database muz be down everytime at this point where everyone's doing their add/drop. Maybe skipping the lecture wasn't worth it afterall...
Went all the way to NIE to buy textbooks juz becoz popular dun hav those in stock. Imagine walking form south spine to NIE with a damn heavy bag and returning to south spine from NIE wif an extra stack of hard cover textbooks!! ArGH!! I suddenly feel that I've become shorter. On my way to South Spine for my Jap class, I saw this strangely familiar guy. I was wondering about the possibility that we knew each other... when it dawned on me his identity! He had been pestering me for the last few years... N at tat moment, he was walking towards me! I wanted to run away as fast as my legs could carry me, but sth tells me tat tat's being too obvious. With a deep breathe, I tried to walk as calmly as possible pass him. Fortunately, he din recognised me!!!! hahaha!! I was so glad that I dun mind my ugly hair color!! maybe it did play a part in disguising me!!
@L3xIz's party on Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
'The Vibrating Tentacles of Doom?????'
Read the article of what chin had sent me regarding harry potter, the sixth book. Shocked and surprise about the news. It claimed that the sixth book have "locked" chapters and it's full of sexuality. Well... I beg to differ. Although I have yet to complete the book, but i've already read 3/4 of it, and hav seriously no idea where the sexual scenes are. If they muz say sth about it, I think it's only a few kissing tat's all. I dun think this is consider obscene. I hav to admit that the book describe more details about romance compared to all previous, but isn't it a sign that harry, ron and hermione are all growing up? I think JK did a marvelleous job by putting in so much life in her characters. Besides, the article claims that there's a scene where hermione told ron to "explore her chamber of secret", I hav no idea where they quote it from. Not to mention that the way it quote it sound so gross. I suspect whether it is toking about the correct book coz it sound so ridiculous! Even the cover page of the sixth book turns out to be some "tentacles of doom"...

Compare the 2 covers...

"The One" Single coming out soon in august!! ( not cover)
@L3xIz's party on Monday, July 25, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
'Disgusting Module'
Was checking my Edventure (somewhere to log in to print lecture notes and check for the frequent assignements online for NTU students) today and quite pleased to realised that the admin had finally updated their system and added some of my modules to my account. I've never take note of what modules I'm taking for the upcoming semester, dun bother to you can say. When planning time-table with my friends, we'd always referred to the modules using their unique indexes... So, I'd not a single idea what's in store for me. Opening my Edventure, I saw the indexes tat I'd added a few weeks ago... Accounting II, Business & Managerial Communication, okay, the 'usuals'... To my dismay, something gross caught my eye - Company Law. Yikes! not again! I'd enough of discussion of Singapore Law juz 2 sems ago and now I've got to endure law again so soon?!?! Totally grossed.
I decided to chuck 'tat' aside and concentrate on some announcements made by different module coordinator.
"There will be no class in the first tutorial slot of Week 1. "
After reading the first sentence, my heart beamed. Reading further, expecting even betta news.
"There WILL be a class in the second tutorial slot of Week 1."
Stupid sentence. Any sane student would've noe tat.
"There is a written assignment to be done in the first half of Week 1 (due on Tuesday, July 26, 12 noon). Details of this assignment will be posted in the "Assignments" section on Monday, July 25, 2005, 8 am."
What is this subject?!! The Course coordinator overestimates students!! How can any student become a superpower overnight??!!!
"There is also an oral assignment (a presentation) to be prepared for the first tutorial of Week 2."
Even the last sentence ends so 'perfectly'. Great. The school's trying to enslave us even before sch reopens. This module turns out to be Business & Managerial Communication. How dreadful! Went to check out more details about the oral presentation, much to my horror, they indicated they will be video-typing while students are supposed to talk about some financial sector stuff as well as introduce themselves to the audiences present. Shocked and stunned for quite some time. The School sure noes how to give the wildest surprises.
Disgusting Module.
VERY disgusting.
cOuNtDoWn 2 SlAvErY dAy - 4 DaYz 6 hOuRz 33 MiNz
@L3xIz's party on Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Sunday, July 17, 2005
'Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince'
Got this HOT HOT book yesterday!! I can hardly contain my excitement when the delivery man hand over the book to me. Finally! After a long wait, it's finally in my arms. I couldn't wait but to start reading for approx the first hundred pages before stopping for a break... It's not tat I'm tired or anything, it's I'm not able to continue reading as I'm totally lost. Yes. Lost. The continuation of the story I've read nearly two years ago, gone straight into the content without some reviewing or rather some help in recalling what happened in Order of Phoenix. For instance, I've totally clueless what was 'the prophecy' and who the character 'Tonks' is... I even resorted to re-reading the Order of Phoenix to get a better understanding of what is going on in the sixth book. Half-Blood Prince is rather disappointing. I'm not referring to the content of the story, but, rather the length. Comparing to the previous book, Half-Blood Prince is very much shorter. The printing is rather huge for it to extend to six hundred plus pages, whereas, small print Order of Phoenix could stretched up to seven hundred plus plus pages. I have absolutely no complaints about the content fortunately. The first chapter was interesting enough to make you to thirst for more.
~ The Prime Minister gazed hopelessly at the pair of them for a moment, then the words he had fought to supress all evening burst from him at last.
'But for heaven's sake - you're wizards! You can do magic! Surely you can sort out - well - anything!'
Scrimgeous turned slowly on the spot and exchanged an incredulous look with Fudge, who really did manage to smile this time as he said kindly, ' The trouble is, the other side can do magic too, Prime Minister.' ~
Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince, The Other Minister, J.K. Rowling
Loved this part from the first chapter. It conveys the feeling of urgency, helplessness and, of course, the 'dark' omen.
cOuNtDoWn 2 SlAvErY dAy - 7 DaYz 0 hOuRz 42 MiNz
@L3xIz's party on Sunday, July 17, 2005
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
'Baked Rice'
Got inspired when I saw my frenz ordered baked rice for dinner... I decided to give it a try today. Spend approximate 1 1/2 hrs in the kitchen, turns out to be a surprise! As I've neva taste baked rice before, all I could rely on was what I saw and my imagination... It was a sucess! Baked rice taste perfect!! whoa~ao!! So happy that my first time turns out so well!! =) The only one tat cannot make it was a side dish - bread... my family commented tat it taste weird.. hmm.. thinking of how to make betta improvement.. @_@
Happened to saw RAIN's MTV on MTV Channel today. I think he look cute & cool at the same time!!! woa! Love the way he dance!
cOuNtDoWn 2 SlAvErY dAy - 12 DaYz 2 hOuRz 38 MiNz

~today's dinner~

~main dish (baked rice)~

~side dish (the cannot make it one O_o)~

too happy for wordzzz!! >.<
@L3xIz's party on Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005

Bye Homo...
Yesterday was a sad day for all of the 208 members.. a few of us went to see a fren off at the airport. she's going to Canberra in Australia to further her studies. Simply put, she's leaving us... though knowing that she'll be back soon, still can't help thinking that we'll be missing her all this while... eleanor,joyce, chin and jun couldn't help but wept as homo went in through the custom.. Fortunately, szeman and I manage to hold our emotions well and consoled the others. For few minutes, we kept silent, staring into empty spaces.. I suddenly felt a "hole" within 208, the feeling was as if u r a stock taker, u r pretty sure tat a certain sth is in the store, however, at the next stock take, tat sth is gone... though u knew someone has borrow it and will return it someday, but u hav no idea when tat 'someday' might be.. yup. it's this kind of 'emptiness' tat I felt deep within me.. I guess this is sth one has to learn to accept, as one gets older. Looking at chin & jun's videos tat they've done for homo, I thought of things we'd done in sec sch.. it's really wonderful tat all of us r still able to stick together after so many years. such a blessing! =)
Decided to go Swenson to gave ourselves a treat later on, had a lot of fun when Joyce and eleanor turn crazy! Coming back from NUS Union Camp, they brought back interesting stuff from camp... the 'high' atmosphere started when the crazy two plays 'hai dai, hai dai" (seaweed, seaweed) somewhere in the airport viewing mall. Recalling this game requires only upper body movement, they played putting their whole body into action!! yup, they turn a simple game into a vigorous one! perhaps tat's why they became a source of entertainment for other loiters near and far... hahahahaz.. the rest of us joined in for an indian dance and funky ducks!! Admit tat we r probably the noisiest bunch around, but we r also the ones having the most fun!! =)
(sch gonna start soon.. still felt tat I've not rest enough.. Endless tutorials, lectures and projects.... *shivers* the thought of it can make me go crazy... O_o)
cOUnTiNg DoWn 2 'sLaVeRy DaY' - 13 dAyZ 10 hOuRz 54 mInZ

All of us!!

@ swensons

Awez~! 'Earthquake'??!!!

itadakimasu~!! >o<

me & jun

ermz.. acting seductive?!

pigs or octopus??? u decide!!

an uncrazy moment...

when we got "high" again~!

forced onto a cherry stalk... @_@

joyce relunctantly took this wif "horny" eleanor! ^_^
@L3xIz's party on Monday, July 11, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
'Karaoke Fever'
Had a 'great' nite with my brother yesterday! hahaz... it was around 10 plus to 11pm where we decided to hav a small impromtu karaoke session using our mp3 players and laptops. With eyes fixed firmly on our laptop screens for lyrics, we sang loudly with pleasure! Wondering whether our neighbours feel the enjoyment or 'torture-ment'... >_^ Going totally off key sometimes, we laughed at each other's mistake. Though I'm not at some fantastic place like KBox, I had a great time! It sets my 'karaoke addiction' flame BURNING!!! YEAH!!
@L3xIz's party on Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
'Blood Type affects Personality?'
Did nothing much today. Decided to watch a movie which got me wondering besides horoscope tat contributed to our personalities, blood type plays a role as well? Was watching a korean movie ' My Boyfriend is Type B', a nice and romantic comedy, which after watching sets my mind to do more read-ups on blood type personality. And guess wat? people that actually did research on them are none other than the japanese. Below is basically a summary (of my read ups) found on a website.
TYPE O You want to be a leader, and when you see something you want, you keep striving until you achieve your goal. You are a trendsetter, loyal, passionate and self-confident. Your weaknesses include vanity, jealousy and a tendency to be too competitive.
TYPE A You like harmony, peace and organization. You work well with others and are sensitive, patient and affectionate. Among your weaknesses are stubbornness and an inability to relax.
TYPE B You're a rugged individualist who's straightforward and likes to do things your own way. Creative and flexible, you adapt easily to any situation. However, your insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.
TYPE AB Cool and controlled, you're generally well-liked and always put people at ease. You're a natural entertainer who's tactful and fair. But you're sometimes standoffish, blunt and have difficulty making decisions.
So, does blood type correlates with ur personality? Up to u to decide.
Trying to rush thru' animes that I had missed while I was in Perth. Except for the 'draggy' part, I find Naruto's storyline is juz gettin' betta! Wat is in the author's mind???!! I can't help pondering. He is juz plain marvelous. Speaking of which, I remembered reading from some websites that the idea of Naruto actually evolved form Harry Potter. Close resemblance at the beginning I would say, now's another new fantastic story.
Harry Potter would be the next thing that is worth looking forward to. The sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, would be out at 17 July!! *screamz all HP fanz* I still remembered asking Joyce some 2 years ago, doubting whether JK Rowling would be able to complete the series, coz she's not a young writer. I hate to be left hangin' in the middle of a story I love so much... and she replied me, 'zhuang, u think too much.' Recalling back the conversation, perhaps I did have too much worries. But I'm glad that the next book is 'born'! >_<
My laptop is currently surviving on a miserable 1 GB. *danger! danger!* Browsing thru' my laptop I've realised I downloaded so many animes which I din even watch during my stay in Perth. Great, I'll juz have to finish them all.

Poster of movie

a scene from the movie

she's kinda pretty, guy's not bad either. quite compatible, at least for the movie... >_<

The SIXTH book!!!! dun the cover juz make u feel excited?! can't wait to get hold of it!!!
@L3xIz's party on Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
My Drawing of Sasuke!! My fav. character in naruto!! Found it somewhere in the laptop..
hahaz.. my drawing skills' really horrible!! but still luv him!!! >0<
@L3xIz's party on Monday, July 04, 2005
'Sleepless Week'
Insomnia had gotten the betta of me. Haven been sleeping well since last sunday nitez... So can imagine how big my dark rings were!? Was it the temp or was it the bed? haiz...
Went out with my JC frenz to watch War of the World on Friday.. The movie was terrific except for the ending, which very abrupt and lame... wat a spoiler! Many find Tom Cruise cute and hot... erm.. in wat manner? I still dun get it... maybe I'm not into 'ang mo's?!?! Juz like Indian guys (no offense), I'll neva be able to differentiate one from another no matter how I try to single them by their features.. tat's y I neva recognised my indian neighbour if we're in Little India~! Realised that all my frenz are getting prettier and slimmer!! In other words, more and more 'woman-like'! So happy for them!! For me ar.. Juz feel tat I'm gettin older only!!! wahhhhh..... T_T
Today, did a little spring cleaning and refurnishing of the kitchen! Looks betta and much more warmer now! hahaz.. fo course I din do the job!! Knowing that my parents had totally 'pole-like extreme' perspective of stuff, I anticipated a war would break out.
Since I'm a real PEACEFUL person, I've decided to help by not participating in either protestation - Sleeping.. where u'll be able to shut urself in ur own world and give ur poor ears some rest they deserved.. hehez..

@L3xIz's party on Monday, July 04, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
'Hardcore Day'
Superactive day! where activities such as squash, gym and swimming all take place together~! Feeling very healthy and refreshed but with body aching all over... Dear dear chin!! pls dun put so many sports together next time... unless u wan me to age faster!!! o_O
Went to Cartel for dinner, to my amazement, they dun sell any veg dish... *Perhaps I stayed in Perth too long?!* End up spending quite a long time in the Cafe (which I din even notice!), with Chin and Becky sharing 'weird stuff'... Noisy chin started talking abt the days where we became grandmas and wat we would do... hahaz.. weird, 'futuristic' topic but worth to think abt.

chin & me before 'hardcore' exercising

creation of self-made totally 'grossed' dish

'Lemon Butter'

Mastermind of above 2 totally inedible creations...
@L3xIz's party on Friday, July 01, 2005