Wednesday, August 31, 2005
'Bleach & Weird Observations'
Crazy over Bleach nowadays. Finish watching like 30 episodes in a mere 4 days. Though not an amazing speed, it goes to show tat I'd been neglecting my school work. Not good not good. I like kuchiki rukia! She's so cute!! On the contrary, I find kurosaki ichigo look like a butcher... The image is further enhance by his gigantic butcher knife...
I've realised sth some 2 weeks ago week ago. This is still taking place now. When the sky darken, raise ur head and look at the north west direction. You will be able to spot a very huge bright star accompanied by a smaller(but generally bigger than other stars) star on its left side. Hmm... Wonder wat are these 2 special stars. They are very different from the rest.
Another weird thing will be - it always rain on Thursday morning. And it has been like tat for a month already. Anyone realised it too? I'm quite sure we r not experiencing the monsoons. But even if it's monsoon, it shld rain most of the time. Hmmm... so weird.
@L3xIz's party on Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Went to school for the 1st time in the week on Thursday. Realised tat I hadn't even 'wake up' yet. Most of the time, I find myself daydreaming. Totally made a fool of myself during Biz comm class. That day, we were supposed to comment on our peers' presentation skills. When it was my turn to comment, I had no inkling of wat I'd said. I only faintly remembered my last sentence as " ...her voice attracts me...", which sent the whole class laughing. So embarassing. Actually wat I wanted to say was, her voice was nice and her articulation was good, tat's all. Great. Conclusion - medicine dulls ur brain. T_T
The next class was no betta. I sat right in front of the tutor but wateva he said was deflected out of my head. With his heavy usage of gesturing and pacing, he looked like a dancing chimp. I was quite amazed by the effect of medicine... Din learn anything constructive, so decided to leave the tutorial to prepare for the next.
Din had an easy time in Jap class either. Learn new sentence particle and I kept forgetting half of wat I'd learn last week. Aiyo. Disastrous. Plus the tutor kept calling me "xiao qian" tat day. Without thinking, I juz muttered aloud " sensei, wo3 bu4 shi4 gui3...." (meaning I'm not a ghost). My frenz around me start laughing and he looked surprised. I tot he always called me "zhuang san"... so weird.
My brother finally brought home my birthday present yesterday. It's the latest Arashi Concert Uchiwa with Ohno's face on it. The uchiwa is damn big lo... Nevertheless, it makes Ohno's face super big too. >_^ Feeling very happy, my brother said sth on purpose to disturb my level of satisfaction.
"jie, I think nino's one look betta... but too bad lah."
I'm sure there's a smug somewhere on his face.
Evil, wicked brother. O_o
@L3xIz's party on Sunday, August 28, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
逢いたくて 逢いたくて
追いかけて 追いかけて
逢いたくて 逢いたくて
逢えなくて 逢えなくて
Describe my mood now.
Simply love this lyrics.
@L3xIz's party on Wednesday, August 24, 2005
'Onigiri and the Tenth Planet'
No doubt I'm sick. Wen to see a doctor yesterday and she said I'm down wif respiratory virus infection. Sounds terrible huh. But no worries. I'm still alive and breathing. And she dares give me only 1 day mc!!! stingy doctor. How m I to get well wif 1 day?! I'm still feeling super terrible today.
To reduce my misery, I tried making some onigiri (rice balls). Felt a sense of achievement after accomplishing the 'mission'! hahaz... It was quite nice but there are definitely place for improvement. The whole plate of 16 onigiris (plus 2 tat I ate in the process) took me 1 hr and 45 min to complete. Should learn to speed up the next time. My next targetted dish will be zaru soba. hehehe.. Will make when I hav plenty of time!

Juz heard the news abt the discovery of the 'tenth' planet in our solar system! so shocking!! The report claimed it was detected in 2003 but only discovered recently in July this year. Hence, it was given a temporary name - 2003UB313. Why this name? Beats me... 2003UB313 is definitely bigger and further than pluto. It's composition is almost similar to tat of pluto - ice, rocks and frozen methane on the surface(brrr... goes to show how cold it is). The main difference would be the color of the planets. Pluto is red whereas 2003UB313 is grey. Both hav ecentric orbits around the sun. Quoted from one of the articles,
" The orbit of the new planet is even more eccentric than that of Pluto. Pluto moves from 30 to 50 times the sun-earth distance over its 250 year orbit, while the new planet moves from 38 to 97 times the sun-earth distance over its 560 year orbit."
Artists concept of the view from the planet, looking back towards the distant sun.
A view of the solar system from the north down. The four circles show the orbits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The yellow dot in the center is the sun. The earth, if it were shown, would be inside the yellow dot representing the sun. The orbits of the two outermost planets, along with their current positions, are also shown.
In times to come, wu noes there might be another eleventh or even twelfth planet? Nothing in this world is predictable and absolute. Maybe tat's the reason why our lives are so ironic - both difficult and interesting. Appreciate everything you have or once had. Most importantly, accept and embrace the change.
@L3xIz's party on Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Sunday, August 21, 2005
'Natsu Festival'
Had an eye-opening experience yesterday. Went to the summer festival at the Japanese primary sch. This festival was held annually at this time of the year.
Arrive at the venue at 3.45pm(so early), rent myself a yukata. Wearing yukata was not as fun as it seem. The clothing was big n long ( until it drags as u walk), I even tot I got the wrong size! The tying part was difficult. It comprises of 3 strings - 2 Internal and 1 slash. The strings were tied so tightly( yes! i mean TIGHTLY) at the waist area until I could hardly breathe. Walking around with Yukata wasn't easy as well. U got to take very small steps at a time, which clearly reminds me of how those ancient china princess wif 3 inch feet walk...
Did a little exploring round the primary sch. Everything was as u had seen in a typical Japanese Drama. Sliding classroom doors, oak coloured wooden walls, clean transparent window and shoe rack outside every classroom.I was rather amazed by the neatness and space of the sch. A couple of kawaii things like toilets, hand washing area, playground, tables and chairs. They were so small until my fren n I tot we were in some dwarf country! =)
Proceed on to the parade, which was held at the track field of the school. Their field was as big as those we had in JC!! And it's juz for primary schoolers!! Forgot to mention that they actually had their own personal swimming pool in the school compound, which would definitely not fit into the 'small' category. The parade was buzzling wif so many ppl, tat u got to squeeze thru not without muttering 'sumimasen' all the way. We went to fill our stomach before proceeding on to some famous games such as scoop a goldfish and yoyo. Near the ending, everyone in the parade joined in and danced to the traditional Japanese Folk Dance. The scene was an unforgettable one. Holding to our goldfishes and yoyo, we were not able to join the dance. =( But at least we did the dance last sat in the Japanese Association.
The Japanese were very organized and systematic. U see queues almost everywhere. A disorganized bulk was seldom spotted and I can guaranteed up to 99% tat those bulk were made up of Singaporeans!!! Some queues were so long until u could not see the stall from the back. Some helpers would stand behind these queues holding tags, informing ppl which stalls these queues were for. I tot tat was rather considerate. However, I still cannot 'ta han' long queues. We were complaining all the way. On the contrary, the Japanese around us were waiting patiently for their turn. Really admired them for their patience! =) In the middle of the parade, there was a pop dance performance by my brother's sch. They danced to Teppan (by NEWS), some Kinki Kids songs, last but not least Sakura Sake by Arashi!!!!! Got me all HIGH!! Arashi RULZ! =p
Wat I regretted was the absence of fireworks. As you noe our governmet's rather strict on this issue. It's really a waste.
Looking forward to the summer festival next year! @_@
the 'small' washing basin... notice the great difference in height!
the spacious area behind!
the classroom as describe.. nice ba!
Tiptoeing so hard to reach my frenz height... still cannot make it... *sigh*
me in the long awaited yukata!! >_<
another angle...
the both of us!
*peace peace*
Act cute... lol!
Natsu festival
One of the famous games -scoop a goldfish
Crowds dancing to the Japanese Traditional Folk Dance
Enjoying myself amongst the crowds! >_^
Following their Dance step.....
My frenz idea of taking our backs..... I tot the back look nicer tahn the front! hahaha...
My brother n I
@L3xIz's party on Sunday, August 21, 2005
Friday, August 19, 2005
My fren told me an interesting thing on tuesday. Her boyfren send her to sch on mon morning. (in fact her bf send her to sch almost everyday... so sweet!! @_@) She decided to get textbook from the NTU popular store and her bf wanted to go toilet. NTU got this toilet for handicaps. Because of his laziness to push open 2 doors for a normal male toilet, he decided to use the 'handicap' one... Once he push the door open, he was stunned at the doorway. Inside stood a couple, male and female, totally undressed. Regaining his speech after a few seconds, he muttered 'sorry for disturbing', close the door and walked away as fast as he could. (I wonder whether he'd forgotten abt his urgency to go toilet....)
Her bf's 'unplesant' experience reminds me of another tat I'd met while I was in year 1... I was also super lazy to go to the female toilet (I mean who wun choose a spacious toilet, where u hav plenty of space to dump ur belongings?). I went to the handicap toilet and pull the door open. To my dismay, it was locked. I waited for a while before surrendering for the female toilet. When I came out, I saw a couple ( male n female) coming out of the toilet. I find it quite odd at tat time. I mean by I understand tat some gals share toilet, hav no idea whether tat apply to guys, but gal n guy?! I ponder over wat I saw and decided to dismiss it as they were perhaps washing their muddy legs or dirtied hands in there. Come to think of it today, who in the world would lock themselves in the toilet if they are juz merely doing "washing"? So Naive.
@L3xIz's party on Friday, August 19, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Attention all 2nd yr & above university students!!! Hav u all realised the new freshies this year?? Well, I hav. It seems easy to differentiate them from the rest of the school. They are usually the ones that stands out by their fashion wear. Guys included as well. It gave me a feeling that the university just admited a few hundred Japanese. The gals are on the extremes - either super 'Jap-like' dressing or super 'G.I. Jane' style. Some guys even hav gloatees. They'd juz paint some color into the once monotone school. Impressive!
@L3xIz's party on Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Saturday, August 06, 2005
'Deprived of LIFE'
Believe it or not, I had not been watching TV for the past 1 week plus. Too busy, too tired, all sorta reasons. Sometimes dun even felt like opening my mouth to tok to anyone once I get home. So one way to let all things out is MSN! which I dun even have time to sign in... Pathetic life I'm having here. Tutorials have become my 'bedtime stories' and all the text books, my bolsters. My tutors still have the cheek to say "students that work hard sleep at 4am everyday." Seriously that pissed me off a lot. Is this uni life? Or was it juz nbs life? My heart was rebelling everytime when the tutors spoke of their high expectation of accountancy students. Their abillity to be sharp, efficient and hardworking. Tat is so subjective! How can they make anyone sound like a perfect robot to be invented in the near future?! Ridiculous. I wish I can turn them all into spiders.
Yesterday, my mum ordered me to watch TV. Okay, not tat she's nice here, she juz wan me to finish watching a show so tat she can return it. So I get to watch Dae Jang Geum (大长今). Yup, the show's tat created big hu-ha s around asia. I have to agree wif them tat it is probably one of the best korean dramas around. Watch it if u hav a chance and u'll find urself hooked. I'm not exaggerating! No one would be able to tolerate 70 episodes of the show if it's boring.
@L3xIz's party on Saturday, August 06, 2005
Friday, August 05, 2005
'Flop Presentation & Suai Tax'
My first video taped presentation is finally uploaded by the school. I look so comical! Aiyo! can't stand it... The presentation is bad coz I didn't prepare much n din even memorise the speech properly. Not to mention that my tutor held me back for 30 mins after class juz to finish filming. I hate to be late for my next class, coz it's so AA... Worst of all, my next class for tat day was TAX! I always can't seem to do anything well for tax! On wednesday, I thought was the most slack day coz I only hav a 1hr tax lecture, to my horror, turn out to be the worst. Had arrange to meet a no of people on tat day and ..... I forgot to bring my hp. Nice one... Had to go around searching for phones and guess wat - NTU dun provide payphones. Desparate times call for desparate measures. I even consider of borrowing passerbys' hp. But who in the right mind would lend it!? Had to depend on fate, praying so hard tat I'll bump into my frenz on the way. Fortunately, I found one on the bus. Saved! However, tat's not all. I went to the wrong Lecture Room for tax! The lecturer was happily toking abt integration which made me ponder whether there's a need to know tat for tax. It was 5 mins later tat I realised I was in the wrong class. The correct room which I'm suppose to be at was at the North Spine whilst I'm in the South spine attending some integration class?! ARGH! Can't believe I'm so blur! When I enter the correct class, I was more than 15 min late. Wat a day...
Attached a link for my flop presentation:-
Do give me comments coz I wan to noe where I go wrong. Can't afford to fail this module!
@L3xIz's party on Friday, August 05, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
"Guess Who?"
Guess who I saw today. During secondary school, I used to have an online fren who's also super crazy abt arashi by the name of Sarah? anyone remembers? She's very nice to me. Lend me arashi video and even helped me "import" dramas when I can't find them! I was in class waiting for my turn for presentation when I saw this familiar face. She looks exactly like the Sarah that I've remembered except for the bushy hair, coz now her hair is straighten. She did said her name was Sarah during presentation. However, I have yet to confirm with her... I'll find means n ways to check out asap...
@L3xIz's party on Tuesday, August 02, 2005