'Kindaichi n Wallies'
'Christmas FUN'
'Anxious + Nervous'
'Anime PILES'
'Recent Addiction'
'Harry Potter 4 : 26th Nov 2005'
trying to keep awake by taking photos after effect of dancing for more than an hr (wif heels!)
I did wonder whether i was in the wrong course. I neva like maths or science(esp chemistry, it's a blessing that i got rid of it after Os). I used to suck at maths until i got saved by karrib. Can't believe i end up doing further math n finally accountancy. My mum did mentioned tat if i dun do well for my o levels, she'll send me to learn dressmaking. I tot tat is a cool idea! I've always like handicrafts coz i can get creative wif it. Maybe if i did very badly for o's, then i'll land up wif a profession that i like. wat a waste.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
'Latest Completion'
half day gone.
one thing i can confirm - humans r definitely harder than anime for making wallies.
2 days to 2006 ...
4 days to sch reopen ...
After so many years, my fav manga has still been kindaichi. The way ppl r murdered, the motive n the perfect concealment of the killer neva fails to excite me. Sometimes I wonder whether the one plotting the story had been involved in a murder or two n get away unnoticed. There's only a word to describe him - brilliant. Was watching the new drama version yesterday. They have again decided to change the actor (probably matsumoto jun had outgrown the character) to kamenashi kazuya. I'm seriously impressed by his acting skills. He had managed to captured the character quite well, adding in his own style at the same time. I've always tot he doesn't noe how to act. well... he proves me wrong then.
Holidays r going to be over n yet, I've realised I had learn nothing much. blading perhaps (hahaha...). My photoshop skill remain as lousy as ever. Din even practice. In my theory, the best way to improve photoshop n design skill is to make lotsa wallpapers. Had been trying to make 2 wallies yesterday nite. Totally ran out of design ideas n surrendered completely at 2am for my bed. Have been browsing through all the wallies I'd made, wat really impress me is the numbers... hahaha... din realised I've made this many...
some of the wallies I'd made:-
Monday, December 26, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Sleep is essential! I wouldn't be able to stay up all nite n not sleep a wink coz i'll most probably die. The last time i did it was in JC and the next day i was so high n almost fainted later in the day.
sorry for the movie marathon, i noe i fell asleep for 5min. din really catch gakuen alice, but from the imitation of joyce n chin, i guess it shld be a nice show. Din regret watching king kong but din really like it either. It was such a sad show tat i couldn't supress a sob. I find it so difficult to cry in cinema - 1. try to not to cry too loudly to disturb others, 2. trying my best to hide my embarassment, 3. unable to get tissue due to the lack of proper lighting. Besides, the movie pushed us into a state of depression after it ends. Not wat i intended. I wanted to leave the cinema smiling and laughing abt the plot, not feeling down. Fortunately, I din sleep thru out the whole movie, I was so worried that the peter jackson will put me to sleep wid his 'lord of the ring sequel' becoz we r watching midnight show. wat etched deeply into my memory were the giant creepy crawlers that had feelers longer than a human arm. yiks.
Guess wif the invention of digi-cam, many of us had forgotten th fun associated wif taking neoprints. took one on mon. so fun!
Monday, December 19, 2005
here, i sit before my dear laptop, waiting anxiously for the release of my examination result. I was told it was release at 10am.. as usual, the sch took their old sweet time uploading the result.. so at 1015 there was still no signs of my result yet. not that i m super keen to noe wat i got. But at least wanna get a look at it n prepare myself mentally.
I'm so lack of sleep nowadays *yawn* so tired...
Friday, December 09, 2005
Cadbury Milk Chocolate. My fave. Craves madly whenever stocks in my refrigerator ran out.
I'll have to stop this mad addiction soon or I'll grow fat! *groans terribly at the idea of a fat female bouncing down the stairs* Also keeping an eye on the signs n symptoms of an approaching sorethroat that would force me to miss the upcoming KTV session. Definitely would hate to miss an opportunity to let out wat had been withheld for so long. From today onwards, tea and honey will be regular beverages.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
'Blading Day'
went to east coast park for blading today. So terrible! came back wid bruises. I had sprain my back, my left arm n my right middle finger. n I fell on my butt 4 times. Damn. Believe it on not I'm typing this entry on mere right hand. It really takes courage to learn blading u noe. a blading noob wif 5 experts
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Witch Hunter Robin
He is my master
Full metal panic
and the list goes on... i'll neva be able to finish all of it!!
Juz finish watching Scrapped Princess only. A real good one (standard comparable wif full metal alchemist). Half way thru Witch Hunter Robin... was wondering why it is so highly recommended though... feel like re-watching tactics again! Although the story a bit gay-ish, I really love the drawing style and the character design!
a note to everyone -
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Speaking of achieving goals at the end of hols, wat am I doing now? Had sucessfully got rid of some inertia and started moving ... in exactly the WRONG direction. Had been playing GBA (GameBoy Advance) all day long. So engross wif this game called Harvest Moon: More Friends Of Mineral Town. And to think tat juz some moments ago I was actually telling my brother tat I will neva get addicted to a RPG farming game... (-_-")
Watch my fav movie on this particular day!! Unfortunately, the movie was kinda a disppointment. The plot was blurry and they focus too much on hermonie than ron. Found dumberdore a little bit too active in the show. I always tot tat dumberdore was calm n wise, but it showed otherwise in the movie.
Btw, dan is good-looking eversince young wat... Really wan to stop all the 'lolicon fidofile' accusation!! Hey ppl, I'm always speaking things from my mind. Doesn't mean I say which gal pretty then I muz be crooked rite... If like tat, I'm "ALL-sexual" already!! Coz I've been praising ppl ranging from men to women, young kids to old men! P-L-E-A-S-E, u all really need to learn how to differtiate between a real lolicon and a fact-stating person!
Wat so nice abt clubbing? not the drinks, not to pick up guys/ gals and definitely not the place itself (coz of the smoke!). The part tat i only like is when u get to dance freely together wif ur frenz. Actually, this is my second time clubbing and I already feel tat the place kinda dangerous. Although you and ur frenz may behave decently, u'll still end up being targets to be 'pick up' by other guys. At the dance floor, alertness seemed to be a relatively important element. Coz u'll neva know when some irritating guys will try to 'join' ur dance party. (Recalling the constant attempt of intrusion of this short, white-shirt guy and a few others) I'm seriously pissed off by them.
Despite all these and the damn long queue outside Zouk, I really had fun when we were all sitting down at great world city, dinner-ing n toking crap. Perhaps, clubbing is not really my cup of tea.
Suddenly recall the bus incident on the very same day (where a perverse middle-age man started toking to me n charmanie). It seems to me tat public transports have become 'the highly chosen' place for pervertic men to strike. Had encountered a few incidents myself. Shld have heed the advice of 'neva to take the inner seat to give these perverts chances to corner you'. From now onwards, I'll take the outer seat even if I'm seen as inconsiderate. dinner at great world city
chatting at mac
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Hotties: Caught in Action
Food Crave
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