'New Year Resolutions'
'HAppy New Year'
'Aloha Loyang'
'Friggin' pissssed off'
'Watch out for this'
this is a rather late entry. my brother look nice in the clothes tat i bought for him as present. hohoho~
'Sick of getting Sick'
'Quotes from 1 litres of tears (1リットルの涙)'
'A sight of himalayas on my desk'
'1 litre of tears'
'Neoprint Mania'
'Greetings' Special designed mag cover juz for the new year!! hehe. Happy 2006 everyone!!
probably a bit late, but it's betta than nothing.
I want to be able to study anytime, anywhere.
I am inspired by Katoh Shigeaki, that despite his heavy workload in Johnny's Jimusho and probably the lack of sleep, he got into the Law Faculty in Aoyama Gakuin University. Another is Tegoshi Yuya, who got into Waseda University. He mentioned the way he studied for his exams, which was studying during breaks from rehearsals, dramas and interviews. At night, he would attend Juku (cram school) usually slept over and attend school next morning. In the end, he came out as the top 10 student in high school and got accepted into Waseda. I should stop being easily distracted by stuff and concentrate on my studies.
I want to work harder.
Should set a rule to finish all tutorials before classes instead of starting to search for answers before exams. If those 2 can do it, why can't I.
I want a healthier body.
Last sem, I was almost absent (on the average) a day per week. Almost all due to medical reasons. I want take good care of myself and stop borrowing tutorial answers from others.
I want a driving licence.
Thought this sem will be super slack coz I crammed last sem, but I miscalculated. I noe 2006 is going to be a super busy year with my PA replacing my 3 mths holidays. It's the same thinking again. If those 2 can do it, why can't I.
I want to stay genki everyday.
I believe in the genki spirit. If u r happy, everything u do, u r going to enjoy it. And I want to enjoy everything I do in life.
私は敗北しない。(watashi wa haibokushinai.) and it means - I will not be defeated.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
yesterday went for a celebration of a fren's 21th birthday. She booked a super big bugalow at aloha loyang (it was so big until 50 ppl dun seem to occupy too much of a space in that bunglow). This is my 2nd time going to aloha loyang and i dun really like it. Coz it was located so deep inside. going in n out is a big problem. especially birthday parties ends late at nite (or rather early morning the next day). Besides the bad location, aloha loyang always seem so deserted in the inside too. I mean like not too many ppl book chalets there (unlike downtown east which is always so packed). The last disturbing thing is it is very difficult to get a cab when u r cuming out. n if u r thinking of walking out, well, my advise is dun coz certain stretch of roads r so dark n scary. Yesterday, my frenz n I attempted to walk out at around 1135pm. guess wat? we got lost somewhere along the roads. It was so scary to be left so alone in the 'dark wilderness', so stranded and without any cab in sight. Out of the 3 of us, 2 fones were totally off (no bat). Fortunately, we still got a fone to call the birthday gal for help.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
it muz be the forum's stupid administrator fault. i'm so easily frustrated nowadays. she muz hav start the ball rolling...
frustrated wif my mum for giving me so much housework to do.
frustrated wif my dad for scaring me wif a fake cockroach.
frustrated wif my brother for the constant mocking of the production of 'non value-added reply'
frustrated wif my classmates for their hardworkiness.
frustrated wif my classmates to keep reminding me for work.
frustrated wif myself for being so sleepy all the time.
frustrated wif myself for not finishing all my articles before class.
frustrated wif myself for not able to concentrate on my articles on the MRT.
frustrated wif the time for running so fast.
ARGH! today is my free day and yet i'm so busy! articles! tutorials! presentations!
at rate tat all these stuff r growing, my new year holidays r gone too.
somebody, pls grant me some holidays.
Monday, January 23, 2006
so pissed of by this stupid forum. practically try to conceal every main subject of the post, expecting u to reply then u can see wat is conceal. tat is not the main prob. i can put up wif tat although i find it totally defeats the main purpose of having a forum. i mean a forum is where everyone come together to share their idea n wateva they have. if u juz hav to conceal the main subject n expect everyone wu wants to see to reply..... it's juz too riduculous! i wanted to read articles from a particular jap mag (coz the forum does translation) and guess wat, the administrator decided to split all 7 pages into 7 diff subjects!! so i got to reply 7 times.. so troublesome. but it's okie still, i'm willing to do tat. i mean i juz had to accept tat different forum have diff rulz, so as a member the best i can do is to oblige by the rulz stated. I reply n read the first article and the admin suddenly PM me, saying tat my reply cannot be less than 15 words.. i was like 'FINE', and i tot so hard on wat to write for the next subject (it's so hard to write reply without knowing the content u noe). Finally i finished and read the 2nd article. I couldn't come up wif anything for the 3rd n the 4th (i mean by i have '7', wat can u expect me to write rite?) i practically juz copied the reply i wrote for 2nd article. and guess wat, the administrator PM me again, telling me not to repeat my reply and stop writing stuff tat r non value-add to the subject! seriously speaking, wat is her DAMN PROBLEM? and i can tell u that this is not a discussion forum. some more when i went back to the articles i replied, i realised tat she deleted all my replies! she is juz TOO MUCH. acting so HAO LIAN for wat. so wat if u noe a certain language more than others? If tat's the case, then help those who dunno anything. PISSED MAN~
Friday, January 20, 2006
make a guess wat does this machine sells? it sells condoms according to blood type and in every condom (tat u bought according to ur blood type), a instruction guide stating the different sexual encounter prefer by ur blood type will be given. interesting huh.
'Happie 18th Hatchdae~!'
i'm sick again. so irritating. everytime i dun sleep at least a healthy 8 hours, i'll get super sick. The last time i got sick was when i stayed over at joyce house for new year celebration. remb that we played bridge until 5-6 am in the morning. this time is most prob due to the lack of sleep on tuesday. only slept for 2hrs then i rushed to ntu for my wed's accounting lecture. aniwae, before tat, i couldn't sleep well either. Recently, i was forced to take my accounting articles n read them as 'bedtime stories'. Wasn't exactly a good idea coz the speed at which i was put to sleep was damn fast and i kept gettin horrible dreams tat i kept reading mountains & mountains of articles without understanding any of them. and due to all these, i was only able to get a 4-5 hr of uncomfortable sleep. thanx to the flu, i had to skipped sch and wasn't able to send chunjing off to UK yesterday. pig. wonder when will i get to see her again.
i have a weak body. but it's okay, coz i hav strong wills! (it pays to be a bit optimistic sometimes rite.)
Saturday, January 14, 2006
People shouldn't dwell on the past. It's enough to try your best in all that your are doing now.
If you look up at the sky after falling down, the blue sky is also, today, stretching limitlessly and smiling at you.
Really aspires me.
Presents. wat is the first thing tat 'pop' into ur mind at the sight of this word? most ppl will be like "omg. wat is inside?" or like "so excited!". But, wateva the thing wrapped wif decorative paper is, it is not at all important. Every present given, contains the giver's effort, time n money spent. It is really the effort that one should feel touched about and not the amount or value of the gift. Presents are gifts from the giver's heart. Searching for clues on wat u like, walk from one end to another end of the street juz to find sth tat fits into the category, giving up time opportunity to do other stuff, thinks abt how to give u a big surprise - all these r not sth tat any stranger can do. Only ppl who treat u like dear one, will be the only ones willing to do all these. There's a very simple reason y they'll do these - they juz wan to see u smile. So, cherish every present u receive, because it's the love n attention of the giver that u've gotten.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Seriously speaking, the first job to excel in before becoming an accountant is definitely to READ AND to LOVE to READ. I noe i really shouldn't complain coz i'm only taking 3 cores n 1 ge as compare to engineering students who take 8 to 9 cores min. n before the starting of the sem i thought i'm going to hav a super easy life wif 3 core (so far the least i've ever had per sem). Not exactly when all ur free time (before taken up by all the upcoming projects) are being so filled up wif readings after readings. a whole weeks readings can reach a 100+ pages. the microscopic words really spoils my eyes and re-reading some paragraphs (very necessary as the way of expressing differ from author to author) totally spoils my brain.
I'm not sure whether I'm slow, but I've juz realised tat I've no tutorials at all this sem. very few lectures as well. with 'few' i meant 3-4. nothing to be happy abt coz all these usual way of teaching have been change to seminars!! n with 'seminar', it is equivalent to "teach, learn the concept n complete the tutorial by URSELF" before attending class. this sem is definitely going to be my WORST nightmare man. i mean imagine learning 3 cores by urself... oh great. so many things to do.
Monday, January 09, 2006
very satisfied wif the tutor i've got for jap class this sem. she's a jap - which means i can learn jap pronunciation properly. aniway, thanx to all the jdorama, animes and variety shows i've watched for the past few years, my pronunciations and articulation r quite accurate. ii desu ne~! >0<
ps: heard joyce is learning jap this sem too! ganbatte~ne! jun, if u take jap this sem, it'll be the 3 of us taking jap course again!! haha!!
Friday, January 06, 2006
I really dun believe myself. I m watching sad shows again. stupid drama make me cry. hate to cry n feel so upset. it's so messy and make me feel like an outright idiot after that. humans hav spend too much of their lives living in sorrows n despair, i juz hope to spend more of my time feeling happy... i had to make myself promise that my next show will NOT be a teary one. but above all, it's a good drama. It has a good story plot coz it's a real story abt the diary of a gal who was dignosed wif spinalcellumism... (erm.. i dun exactly noe the correct spelling k, juz sth wrong wif her nerves) her account of how she became slower in reaction, stutter, fall unwillingly n finally bedridden. a tragic account. Arghhh. the drama is wrongly named! it shld be 'million litres of tears'!!! 0_o
school juz started for me on thursday. so tiring when i reached home after sch. it felt as if i'd spent a thousand years in juz a day. schwork is juz as worse. my readings r already on the rise. 79 pages of articles only for a modu. got this bad feeling when nbs had decided to change all tutorials into seminars. well.. more reading sessions during the weekend i suppose. my holidays... natsukashii~!
Monday, January 02, 2006
The Past
Important Contacts
Hotties: Caught in Action
Food Crave
Quotes to Remember