natsu matsuri festival photos from my cameramy yukata for the day
woke up wid a real sucky feeling today..
went to natsu matsuri yesterday~
how to say "die" in french?
had my very first driving lesson on mon~
after much consideration, had decided to drop law~
joyce's rite~
I've checked the news my fren told me abt natsu festival..
Bad news gal~
dun remb when's the last time i've changed my layout~
[2004.09.16] Tensai! Shimura Doubutsuen Part 2
was watching this variety show~
recently have been watching korean dramas non-stop..
Kumi Koda - Cutie Honey (live @ Music Station)
Koda Kumi Dance 2
Koda Kumi Dance
a feeling of not doing anithing, not going anywhere n not learning anything..
a feeling of juz wanting to do wat i like or not even doing anithing..
wonder anione had the same type of feeling before?
maybe it's juz PMS..
i'm trying to try-sell my driving practical slot for today..
hopefully, someone will buy it from me..
i dun wan to rant abt my schedule..
but i think i'll feel betta once i blog it out..
"psychological relief", tat's wat those profound heart problem researchers called it..
my company project (iCEE) proposal datelines falls on 1/9 (fri), individual case hand-in assignment 2 dateline on 2/9(sat), french test and self-paced assignment dateline on 6/9(wed), iCEE logbook submission by 8/9(fri) n group macdonald case study presentation on 13/9(wed)..
how to prepare for cases, projects, test n assignments all at the same time?!
n i have to make sure tat i contribute in class discussions n projects so tt my grpmates dun fail me for my peer evaluation..
i juz feel very stranded..
nothing exciting for me to look forward to..
i wan my life back!
i wan to go out!
attend fren's birthday party! go szeman's pagent! watch movie! try out nice eating places wid my family!!
super frustrated wid my life now..
juz received a good news..
someone bought my driving practical time slot..
at least sth to be glad abt~
in the midst of cursing those tat came up wid the disgusting schedule, i still hav to set my goals for the day..
today's goal-
1) check emails for companies' reply tat they will approve my grp to do proj wid them
2) read n prepare case study for aa205 - 18 pages
3) read n prepare case study for ab311 - 20 pages
4) try to read n prepare another case study for aa205 -? pages which i need to do as individual assignment n pass up on 2/9
5) revise jap as i've forgotten 60% of the stuff n new lessons r becoming harder
i guess i really NEED a miracle..
my frenz said a busy schedule is good as we will become more efficient n will feel a sense of achievement when we looked back at the no. of things we'd completed..
i, on the other hand, will already feel a sense of great achievement juz by looking back to see how many semesters i'd survived in nanyang business sch..
something tat's of a lighter tone..
went out to eat at sakae sushi wid my family yesterday..
sakae sushi had a brand new vegetarian menu..
tot we'll try it out yesterday..
it's not bad.. now i got more food to eat..
next target will be 'original sin'..
heard tat it's darn expensive meditternean restaurant..
betta be good..
vege meals r gettin pretty popular nowadays~
which means i dun need to starve~ =D
Sunday, August 27, 2006
tot tat i wun be able to go this yr~
coz cannot get any tix~
but on fri, my sensei suddenly caught me at a corner n secretly shove me a tix~
嬉しい!! (happy!!)
as this yr's natsu matsuri is only available for members~
compared to last yr, this yr wasn't too crowded~
it was juz nice~
especially the queue for food n games~
they hole the festival at the Japanese Primary School - Clementi Campus- 's yakyu pitch(baseball field)~
so my slippers was all dirty when i got back to changed~
this yr, i went early so tat i get a chance to choose the yukata tat i like~
but, like i said, coz most were members, they have their own yukata, so even those who came late (like my frenz), they, too, got to choose wat to wear~
i was starving when all of us were ready to enter the carnival area~
my frenz had sakana bento n pork pizza (forgot wat izzit called in jap), while i had, zaru soba n croquette~
おいしいですよ~ (oishii~)
later, i went to buy the jap meiji ice cream~
it's really as nice as last yr's~
really dunno any other place tat sells jap meiji ice cream besides the natsu matsuri~
i followed my frenz to play the games~
i din play this yr coz i already played last yr n main reason was bcoz the games r not cheap~
each game cozt 1.50 bucks~
(i wan to drink beer, but it's too ex~)
then, we went to do the folk dance~
everyone form circles around the stage n dance together~
u can join n leave anitime~
we danced to the last dance~
not forgeting our photo-taking too~
later we went to buy meiji pdt~
it's really cheap~
it's a bundle consiting of chocolates, sweets n biscuits - for only 2 bucks~
u noe normal super market sell on chocolate bar already 1.80 bucks~
my fren bought 4 bundles!!
we went back to the changing room with the initial plan of returning our yukatas~
demo~ (but~)
the things in the classroom were really too kawaii to ignore~
we started our fanatic photo-taking sessions~
it's more fun than taking neo-prints!!
if possible, 来年も行くと思います!!(i would wan to go next yr!!)
as the fanatic photos r wid my fren, i upload it when she send to me~
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
french is.. how would i put it..
in "business" form - challenging
in "student" form - tough
in "simple" form - very very hard!!!!!
went into class today n the tutor immediately greeted me n asked me, "ça va?"
i dun even noe wat's tt..
juz kept shaking my head like an idiot~
shld had reacted faster n told him, " je ne suis pas", which mean "i dunno"~
sounds weird but at least it's an ans!
later found out it meant "how do u feel?"
i always hav the habit of doing my work in the mrt~
today, i was doing my french tutorial in the mrt~
i din even realised there's this foreigner sitting rite beside me~
guess i was too focus on those tough qns~
there's one qn tat i dunno how to do n as usual i circled it~
all of a sudden, the "ang mo" beside me (whom i juz realised after he spoke) asked me whether i need help wid tat qn i circled..
i was very surprised~
he helped me wid the qn~
n his french was excellent!
strongly suspect tat he's a french~
after tt, i went on to the next set of qns~
i realised he kept staring at my ans~
felt really super stress~
coz i do french very very slowly~
luckily he got off at bugis~
then came alone 2 foreigners n they sat beside me again~
after a few min, i realised they were saying sth abt my french tutorial~
n they were speaking in some european language (dunno whether french or not, from here u will notice my standard of french is how low)~
wa lau~
how cum all the french ppl sit beside me??!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
damn scary~
i think the instructor even more scare than me~
instead of those snail-like moving vehicle driven by the usual beginners, my car move at the speed of light~
tat's a bit too exaggerating~
the instructor at the side kept telling me to control my speed~
n i absolutely hav no idea how to apply the brake properly~
we went on to the circuit trial later~
my car was always out of the lane, no matter i move straight or turn right~
there's a lot of "L" plate cars then~
everytime i saw a car in front of me, i'll juz scream to him, "got car! got car!"..
n not to mention the "super" speed i'm driving at~
the car always jerk stop~
i think the poor instructor was very much tortured by me~
Monday, August 14, 2006
no point make my "already no life" life to "more no life"~
had been sleeping the whole of sun~
maybe i'm sick tat's y~
juz feel a bit feverish n giddy~
luckily it's not serious~
recently met some situation tat i hate the most~
bad services..
really bad..
trying very hard to put up wid them..
coz i dun wan to ani small thing also blow at ppl (judgin from the fact tt i can be very fuzzy when it comes to services)~
i noe there r some pple who i din manage to reply sms to..
wana apologise coz recently mass email to the sch students for some course swapping~
my sms always flood~
either i din see ur sms or i see le but forgot all abt replying~
Thursday, August 10, 2006
sch is evreything to bitch abt~
-=my finalise time-table=-
mon: Driving
tue: 1030 - 1930 @ NTU (Risk Management & Assurance, Strategic Management, Jap 3)
wed: 830 - 1230 @ NTU (Risk Mgmnt & Asrnc, Strat Mgmnt)
thur: Driving
Fri: 1030 - 1930 @ NTU (Risk Management & Assurance, International Business Law, Jap 3)
seems pretty relax rite~
but u haven seen the worst yet~
i'm refering to my never-ending reading materials~
sch juz started n it's piling already~
had chose to take international business law to finished up my last 4 AU (so tat i can offcially finish my general electives allocated units for my course this sem)
juz checked the course outline for international law~
there was a word of caution by the prof..
"be prepare to hav a lot of readings, this course suits those who r a heavy worker"~
sounds BAD~
it's not my core modu n yet i hav to work so hard for it?!
"u will be assigned to different grps randomly for each seminar.."
"students r expected to speak, share their opinions n actively participate in class..."
"class participate - 20% " of examination marks..
sounds really really BAD~
i hope i'll pull through~
i'm not those heavy workers who reads n does tutorials all the time, n i'm definitely not outspoken n find it weird to discuss my ideas wid total strangers~
in the meantime, i'm juz gonna psych myself tat i can do this~
afterall i did pull thru for tat crazy core modu i took a yr ago (the one tat required video shooting during all presentation i did in front of my class n to constantly recieve all their "comments") ~
wat's there to say~
aja aja ganbare!!
they really limit to their members only coz they change their venue to a smaller one..
I'll check wid my jap teacher when my classes start next week~
then i'll let u all noe again~
after all the hassle, i finally manage to change to the classes i want~
even resulted to mass emailing everyone~
really thank god and anyone tat prayed for me!!!
bcoz of the timetable problem i din even sleep enuff~
guess i'll go n sleep later~
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
yesterday juz heard from fren tat this the natsu festival is not open to public~
i have no idea how they define their "public"..
does it mean only their sch student??
I'll try means n ways of confirming the news wif them, then i'll let u all noe as soon as they reply~
For those who dunno wat is natsu festival~
it means summer festival~
it's a jap festival where gals wear yukata, go to nite market n play fireworks~
recently, it's the add/drop period for my sch~
damn stress~
everyday camp at comp until late at nite to check the vacancy of the classes that i wan to get in~
pls pray for me~
hope i'll get it soon~
i'm really more gettin' blur~
who noes tat aiba's diesase can spread thru' monitor screen?!?!
yesterday went to my first lesson~
n i sit at the wrong grp~
get to work wif the wrong grp of ppl~
n gave contacts to the wrong grp of ppl~
while my correct grpmates are sittin rite beside me at the next table~
my fren gave me a belated bday present yesterday~
she purposely went to find a card written in jap~
i was so happie~
but the card was in odd shape~
the cover part was rather thick n fat, as if sth is wrap inside~
not knowing wat was inside, i almost tore open the card~
luckily i din~
coz she msg me later in the nite, " hav u heard the music?"
n i told her, "o.. that fat part is for the music izzit? eh.. i think the card spoil.."~
her next reply was, "did u press the button?"
i hurriedly check the card for ani jap instructions that i missed out~
indeed, there's this instruction written in a circle of the size of a thumb~
i mean anione in their rite mind will tot the music will play once u opened the card rite?
so not my fault!!
To chin:
i saw hansen yesterday at ntu~
i din see him at first, he suddenly shouted my name~
gave me a big shock~
he's still as tall as ever~
like a tree~
but i would say like a "burnt" tree~
coz he so dark~
Monday, August 07, 2006
finally made some effort to change it today~
my goal of the sem:-
1) Drving License
2) Japanese Proficiency Level 3 & 4
3) Complete all my general electives courses
4) Find time to go Shanghai (since jun jun is still there)
back to my dull readings.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
aiba vs LOTS of kangeroos
this particular part was really funny~
thought i'll share it wid u ppl~
since there's no english subs~
i'll do a little bit of explanation here~
aiba masaki (the person waering the jumper) was given a mission to complete~
tat was to feed the kangeroos~
the zookeeper was telling him to place the food tray at the bottom of a quite faraway tree~
notice tat there's a particular kangeroo wif a scarf on its neck~
tat was the kangeroos' leader - taicho (leader in jap)~
seeing the anxious & hungry huge bunch of kangeroos, aiba kept saying " i understand!! i understand!!" hoping the kangeroos will understand and not charge at him later~
the leader fought some of the kangeroos who were eager to get some food from the tray~
before aiba got into the enclosure, he said:" wow~ like opening a concert!!"(for ur info, aiba masaki is from ARASHI)
and followed by:"everyone!! today, thank you very much!!" (words to be said from a singer to the audiences during concert~)
when he got in, the kangeroos kept clawing him and he screamed," pain! pain! pain!"..
then, the zookeeper said, "okie, i'm closing the gate.."
aiba cried:" wait!! wait!! wait!!"
he treid to move to his destination but fell down halfway screaming for help~
he was given another tray to complete the mission~
once he steer clear from the kangeroos he happily said: "now's the chance!!!" and ran for it..
in the process he screamed: "DOCCHI(where)?????!!"
the zookeeper told him: "KI NO SHITA (below the tree)!!!!"
the rest u can watch urself~
(video in entry above)
juz finished watching my girl~
the main actress is really pretty~
think she the winner for some pagent in korea~
another is princess lulu~
finishing soon~
really love this drama~
recommended drama for anione who's craving for a comedy, romance story~
sch starting from tuesday...
dun misunderstand~
it's definitely not screamz of excitment~princess lulu pix 1
princess lulu pix 2
my girl pix 1 (the main actress is really beautiful~)
my girl pix 2 (notice from the right first - lee joon ki, the one who act in the king and the clown)
personal comment- i think he really has a very girl face~
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
koda kumi's "sexy" outfit at one of her performance
one of the conestants - average age 10.5
one of the contestant - 5 yrs old
The Past
Important Contacts
Hotties: Caught in Action
Food Crave
Quotes to Remember