i'm starting to miss everyone.
realised tt i've been feeling stressed up subconsciously.
juz tok to chin n kar in skype.
the book is really exciting.
in my opinion better than all other bks in the series.
the humour, the action, the suspense.
the combination of the element is juz rite.
was a bit sad tt it was the last bk.
i thought the ending could be a few more page longer to tell how the other characters was doing.
eg luna lovegood.
had the most hectic day yesterday.
2 jap lessons n a convocation ball at nite.
it's really rushing n rushing throughout the day.
lucky i still hav a great time.
the food's great! (for vegetarian food only)
an advise, if u hav dinner at fullerton, order vegetarian food coz the non-vegetarian food is not NICE.
u dun wan to pay so much for horrible food do u!
i recall the time when i juz enter uni.
i really wish i could finish it asap.
hate the ridiculous tons of work given.
hate tt i m always lost.
hate tt i m always rushing for datelines.
hate presentations.
but when i finally graduate, i kinda miss uni life.
miss the food.
miss doing project with great team mates.
miss rushing to lectures with my friends.
miss the times when i m looking at eye candies.
humans can really be contradicting at times.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
i wonder why.
it's only been a short while.
missing the time tt we had at botanic garden esp.
it was like turning back time to the days we used to have during sec. sch.
wonder when i can meet u all again once i started my job assignment...
on a lighter note, i find tt i've always been quite lucky.
and i'm really thankful for tt.
i really apprecaite all the things happening ard me.
and the wonderful ppl tt i've met.
if it had not been luck, i will not be wat i m today.
Recently, I've realised tt my memory's getting from bad to worst.
I m starting to forgot things tt happen 5 min ago.
sometimes, i forget why do i need to go to a certain place.
Apparently, when i look into my handphone's address book, i dun seem to remb some ppl.
I juz hope tt it wun get ani worst.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
tis feeling is especially strong today.
coz tmr is work day again.
dun really noe whether i've got wat it takes to stay in the company for long.
most ppl resigned after 6 mth to a yr.
Some tat cun take the stress resigned after 1 mth.
wat's worst is i've been assigned to a job tt out of the 5 ppl assigned to it last yr, 4 quitted immediately after the job.
hate to feel insecure.
it juz make me feel more stressed up.
ps: becks (if u see this), tried to send an email to u, but it was rejected. u changed a new email??
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
i feel so mute.
mic suddenly become so necessary.
both chin n kar sound the same.
it's good tt i get to hear them~
i miss u guys terribly~
today is a crucial day!
it's my last day of freedom~
i'm trying to look at the bright side for tmr~
my sensei gave me a jap newspaper cuting today.
he's sure tt i will be able to read it.
but in the end, it turns out like this:
sensei: "pls start by reading the title."
me:"hai, 'harawanai wa oya shitaku da.' "
sensei: "very good, i'm sure u can understand this article very well, continue. "
me: " gakkou kyu shoku...."
sensei: " shiku."
me: "shiku wa 118 nen mae, erm... i dunno this word."
sensei: "mazushii."
me: "hai, mazushii kodomo no ermm... i also dunno this word."
sensei -frown-
me: " ...... de hajimatta."
me -heave a sigh of relief after the tremendous effort taken to finish reading the first sentence-
sensei: "ok, pls translate the sentence u juz read."
me: "????? errr.. hahahahaha......errr... actually i dun understand the meaning of a few words..."
sensei: "..................................."
ps: photos of botanical garden outing uploaded here.
jun! i wan the ubin foto!
The Past
Important Contacts
Hotties: Caught in Action
Food Crave
Quotes to Remember